Fisherman Caught Weird Creature - Bursts Into Tears When He Discovers What It Is

Story starts below

Dennis lost all hope when he went fishing but didn't catch anything all day. But suddenly, his fishing rod started pulling. And it was pulling hard. He had been fishing in these waters for years but had never experienced anything like this before. 

Dennis realized what he had caught. He knew he should have left it alone...

Unsure what to do
Source: Maridav

After almost an hour of battling the monster, he finally reeled it in. Dennis didn't know what to do with the monster he'd just caught. He had never seen anything like this before, but when he wanted to take a closer look, the creature started acting very aggressive..

This could be the finding of the century...

Noticing something strange

The monster attacked Dennis; he bit him in the arm. Dennis was freaking out. He wanted to throw it back into the water, but just as he was about to throw it, he noticed something. Something that could explain what this bizarre creature was…

Brought to tears

When Dennis was sure about what he saw, tears lit up in his eyes. He immediately called the police. Everybody needed to know about his discovery.

But what creature had Dennis pulled out from the water? How had it gotten there, and why did this discovery bring Dennis to tears?

Years of experience
Source: Source: Shutterstock/Roman Chazov
Source: Shutterstock/Roman Chazov

Dennis has been fishing with his granddad since he only was 5 years old. He has been a fishing enthusiast ever since. And, by this point, he believed he had caught everything the seas had to offer. But this one catch would turn his whole world upside down...

Fishing with granddad
Source: Zigic
Source: Zigic

What was so surprising was that he caught the monster at his favorite fishing spot. Dennis and his granddad have caught thousands of fish here, but they've never caught anything like this. Sadly, his granddad wasn't here anymore to see Dennis' greatest catch.

Feeling lonely
Shutterstock/Drazen Zigic
Source: Shutterstock/Drazen Zigic

Dennis often went on his fishing trip with one or more of his buddies. They would drive their small boat out to a location and spend all day together. But today, on the death day of his granddad, none of his friends were available…

In need of a distraction
Source: Shutterstock/MilanMarkovic78

Going out onto the water alone was not an option. It could be dangerous if something goes wrong and you are all alone. You would need somebody there. But Dennis needed a distraction today, so he ensured he could go out onto the water that day.

Running out of options
Shutterstock/Drazen Zigic
Source: Shutterstock/Drazen Zigic

Dennis ran out of options, so he ended up posting an invitation on a forum board for local fishermen, asking if somebody wanted to join him out on the water today. And luckily, it did not take long before he got a reaction.